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About Us

First Baptist Church exists to
Love God, Love People and Serve Others.

Love God
happens when we meet for worship each Sunday morning at 11:00 A.M.  
Our worship style is Contemporary Christian.  We include songs which praise, songs which inspire and songs which offer hope and guidance to anyone seeking to grow in their faith.  Please join us – although we have no formal dress code, casual to business casual clothing is appropriate.

Love People and Serve Others
happens when we work together to meet the needs of people in our church and community.  Our world desperately needs what only God can provide.  We seek to be His hands and feet not only within the walls of our church, but also in various community activities.  In addition,  e cooperate with other churches to spread the Gospel in our region, our state, our nation and throughout our world.


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Core Beliefs

Our core beliefs begin with the conviction that the Bible is the Word of God and is to be the foundation of our faith and practice.  Baptists have long called themselves "people of the Book."

We believe Jesus Christ is God’s Son, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and was crucified, buried, raised from the dead and will return for His followers.  We believe that salvation is achieved only through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

We honor the understanding of two ordinances:  Lord’s Supper/Communion and Believer’s Baptism.  We practice open communion, inviting all believers to participate.  As for baptism, we see in Scripture that baptism was experienced after a person became a follower of Christ and we believe immersion to be the most Biblically accurate method.  Further, we believe it to be an act of obedience to our Lord which symbolizes “being buried with Him in baptism and raised to walk in newness of life in Christ.”


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Next Step

Are you looking for a place to learn about God, to grow in your faith, to make Christian friends?  We would like to be that church for you.  Visit us for Sunday worship service at 11:00 A.M.  Talk with Pastor Ken Reese.  Ask God to reveal to you His will concerning a church home.

There is no substitute for being actively involved in a church.  It is there that we are able to experience and practice multiple aspects of discipleship:  worship, prayer, Bible study, fellowship, witnessing, ministering to others, being ministered to by others, being strengthened by the testimony of fellow believers, offering strength and solace to someone due to your own experiences.  And if these things are important to you, how much more so for children and teens facing the challenges of today’s influences?

Is church involvement important to God?  Scripture makes clear that it is:  
Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”  –Ephesians 5:25


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Join Us For Sunday Worship
11:00 A.M.

First Baptist Church of King City
450 King Street
King City, CA 93930